pp108 : Adding an Entry to LDAP

Adding an Entry to LDAP

This topic describes the procedure to add an entry to LDAP using Management Console.

Before you begin this task: Access Management Console and connect to LDAP as an authenticated user.

  1. Click Content Management in the Management Console window. The Content Management page is displayed.
  2. Select a LDAP entry on the LDAP tree under which the new entry should be added, and do one of the following:
    • Right-click the selected LDAP entry, and select New.
    • Click Edit Menu and select New Entry.
    • Click on the toolbar. An Add page is displayed.
  3. Type a Name for the LDAP entry and select an Object Class. For more information, refer to Object Classes. When a Name for the LDAP entry is typed, the Parent in Directory Service value is automatically generated.
  4. Click Next in the Add page. The Attribute Viewer page is displayed with the attributes and corresponding values of the new LDAP entry.
  5. Click OK.
    The new LDAP entry is added and appears in the LDAP tree.

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